RisKy1 Project

How to ...


Here you will find links to various tutorials and information about how to do different things related to Using the RISC-V compiler, running a simution, etc...




How to get started with the RisKy1 Project.

1. Download the first Video and Source code zip files from the Downloads webpage and place the unzipped sim and src folders at the root of your drive in a folder called RisKy1. (i.e. C:/RisKy1/src and C:/RisKy1/sim

2. Watch the mp4 video

3. continue watching the next 4 session videos and update sim & src folders (steps 1 & 2) until you need to run a hardware simulation in Session 5

4. Follow the Modelsim directions below to set up Modelsim

5. Install the RISC-V SW Environment as listed below

6. Follow the Setup a RisKy1 simulation shown below.

7. Run the simulation and begin debugging, experimenting, and adding Verilog fixes, new Verilog code, or creating new C/assembly tests to check the operation of RisKy1....


Click on the links below to see information on how to do a particular listed item. Links will open in a new browser tab.

Tool How to ... additional info

Xilinx ISE

Install XIlinx ISE 14.7 Shows the process of installing ISE on Windows
Compile Xilinx Libraries for ModelSim Before ever using ModelSim your first time this should be done - setting up SIMLIB and MSIM_PATH

Xilinx Impact

Create a .mcs from a .bit This is needed to program an FPGA flash IC.
Program an FPGA with a .mcs and .bit files  


Setup a RisKy1 simulation video showing how to setup ModelSim and run a testbench simulation called top_tb1.sv using a script named top_tb1.do

RISC-V SW Environment

setup GIT on Ubuntu How to setup GIT on Ubuntu to use to download/install the GCC Compiler
install RISC-V GNU Tool Chain How to install the GCC compiler to for compiling C and assembly language on Linux
Set up Linux Environment path How to setup .bashrc to use the GCC compiler
use the RISC-V compiler How to use this compiler to create assembly and/or binary code that can be used in a Modelsim simulation